Thursday, November 17, 2011

Y U Plagiarise!

Imagine yourself as an author. What if your work has been plagiarized  by others and taken to post it somewhere else as their own material without having your consent? You would be unhappy right? Gone are the days where people just sit and think of their own ideas. Now, as Internet has become a norm, everyone is able to browse through everyone's works online. It is hardly be able to know who has the real source who plagiarized it.

                                                                                                                               Source: Google

The article talks about the copyrights issues faced by Hoehn for violating the copyrights of posting an article where it has reduced the visitors' and readers' number going to the Review-Journal to read the article. RightHaven is now making copyright infringement claims against Hoehn. Though it is claimed that fair use defense has given the permission to repost copyrighted materials for criticism, commentary, research or teaching purposes, sometimes it can be blatantly stolen and plagiarized. Some authors have decided to report their books being stolen (Pichon, 2011).

In my point of view, there is no wrong for Hoehn to publish the article online for feedbacks and commentaries from other people's point of view. Ethical integrity is indeed an essential element in writing and publication (King, n.d.). When writing, ethical concerns has to be considered. There are many strategies developed to prevent ethical publication violations.

Though, Hoehn might have violated ethical publication, but it is not that the site user is trying to steal the work and claim to be his. All he did was just reposting the article online for a prompt discussion. He did not plagiarized it. Plagiarism means stealing other people's hard work intentionally (What is plagiarism, n.d.). 

Therefore, as a conclusion, RightHavent should not continue suing Hoehn for plagiarism and claims copyrights from him.

References List:

King, C.R. n.d., Ethical issues in writing and publishing, Oncology Nursing Society, viewed 17 November 2011, <>.

Pichon, F 2011, Copyrighted material: fair and unfair use, viewed 17 November 2011,<>.

What is plagiarism n.d., viewed 17 November 2011, <>.

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