Thursday, November 17, 2011


Blogging has become a world wide phenomenon where almost everyone has their own blog, from personal blog to business blogs. Blogging is a powerful tool to convey certain message to the audiences. It can be more powerful than the words from the leaders. Some renown bloggers are so persuasive that they are able to gain followers and audiences' would listen to them.

Throughout the process of blogging, it was very eye opening and fun. I used to be a blogger as well but this kind of blogging is definitely my first time. The process of researching for information made me realized that it is not easy to blog because I have to make sure that the information I found are suitable for blogging and the way I blog must be attractive enough to gain audiences' attention. Using theories and principles made me realized that even layouts have certain rules and theories to follow in order to create an attractive layout.

The blogging phenomenon is so huge that blogging has become so competitive. Everyone will think differently in order to make their blogs appealing and attractive. From a normal personal blog to competitive blogging, this is how influential blogging can be. Hence, blogging is indeed an important part of our life.

With the improvising of technology everyday in our life, we definitely must continue to learn every day about technology in order for globalization. 

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