Thursday, November 17, 2011

Online video rules!

Web video a new form of media news?

This article talks about the prevalence of online videos as they are becoming of the main source of media attraction. According to an online survey done by Douglas Simon, he said that 33% of the media outlets are using online video to cover news and online media has now officially become a video programming network.  Usage of online videos are growing bigger and bigger and show no signs of stopping (O'Neill, 2011).

People nowadays have very short attention span. They cannot sit still in front of the TV or radio to watch news the whole day. Henceforth, online video has become their alternative to catch up with the latest news around the world. 21st century, no longer the century where people still has to get a network cable to go online. It is all about WiFi and everyone gets to go online anytime anywhere. While surfing the net, they can go YouTube or news site to get the latest information and news.

For example, LiveStream is a video site where they put up videos live. The visitors' can go to the site and stream videos freely. It is also a live blogging platform and social networking sites. Media outlets can just post their news online and the people will get to watch the news online. Besides, it can be recorded and rewind. Hence, it gives more options to the society to watch it live or record it and watch the news later (Schonfeld, 2011).

Source: Google

However, changing genres to online video news, do audiences' expectations and preferences met?

Nowadays, web news site are rarely acceptable. Human naturally attracts to visual and audio. People tend to get bored after sitting a while reading news from web. Hence, media outlets start to turn to online video strategies in order to attract more audiences. According to a survey, 70% of web-only media and bloggers are most likely to use video (Most Online Media Outlets Use Video to Cover News, 2008).

Therefore, audiences' expectations and expectations have definitely met because as Internet has become a norm, online video news will definitely be more preferable compared to reading news on newspaper, from the web or just sitting in front of the TV and watch news.

References List:

Most Online Media Outlets Use Video To Cover News 2008, Marketing Vox, viewed 17 November 2011, <>.

O'Neill, M 2011,  85% of Media Websites Now Use Online Video To Cover News, viewed 17 November 2011, <>.

Schonfeld, E 2011, Livestream Refreshes Video Service: "Viewers Can Rewind While Its Live", Techcrunch, viewed 17 November 2011, <>.

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