Sunday, August 21, 2011

Classifications of Blogs

Our access to information through Internet has drastically changed compared to olden days.
Public can now access to information not just through registered or supported websites but now there are various webs available and other means of accessing information such as blogs and social networking sites. There are of various types of blogs. Blogs are usually created to suit the interest of their target audiences. Some examples of the blogs classifications are as below:

Subject Matter:

Source : Jonathan 2011

Moblog is a blog that uses mobile phones as a device to publish blogs.

Media Type:

Vlog or video blogging is a blog that consists of videos.

A linklog is a blog that consists of many links to other sites or pages.
Little sign of life.

Sketchlog is a blog that includes images, pictures, sketches.

Status of Publisher:

Business Blog
Business Blog
Source: Final Sense 2007

According to Margaret Simons (2008), blogs are categorised into 9 classifications. The classifications includes:
  1. Pamphleteering Blog
  2. The Digest Blog
  3. The Advocacy Blog
  4. The Popular Mechanics Blog
  5. The Exhibition
  6. The Gatewatcher
  7. The Diary
  8. The Advertisement
  9. The News Blog
Another taxonomy of blog classifications I found which is interesting is by a freelance blogger, Tom Haskins. In his blog, Haskins (2007) categorised blogs into 4 classifications which are :

Source : Tom Haskins, 2007

Margaret Simons taxonomy of blog may be detailed but I would prefer Haskins' way of classifying blogs. It is because it is not as complicated the classification of blogs suggested by Simons. It is easier to understand with such precise and understandable taxonomy. Even though different bloggers blog with different motives, but their main purpose of blogging is to share their experiences and interest with other people. Therefore, to my preference, Haskins' taxonomy of blog would be much easier for the public to understand.


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